Best and Classic Everest Base Camp Trekking Routes: The Life of Khumbu

  • Last Updated on Jun 14, 2024

Everest Base Camp can be covered through various routes. 

There is one best and classic Everest Base Camp Trekking route that you will follow, as other avid trekkers are doing, on the Everest Base Camp hike. This starts from Lukla and goes via Namche, Tengboche, and Dingboche, and comes back the same route except for Pheriche. 

While, there is another route that makes you travel among the locals of Khumbu, the Sherpas. We call this the Local Everest Base Camp Hike.

This blog will explore the Best and the Classic Everest Base Camp Trekking Routes.

Table of Contents

Classic Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek Route

For good reason, the Classic EBC trek route is one of the world's most popular treks. The hike starts from Lukla, it takes you through the mesmerizing Khumbu Valley, past traditional Sherpa communities and glaciers, and finally to Everest Base Camp.

This adventure journey begins in Kathmandu. You will fly early in the morning on a domestic flight from the Tribhuwan International Airport to Lukla. The flight itself is an adventure experience because it will take you to the world’s most mysterious airport i.e. Lukla Airport. 

View From Everest View Hotel

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Also remember that in the peak hiking season, the flight usually takes off from Manthali Airport. This airport is around 4-5 hours drive from Kathmandu. Thus, most of the trekkers wake up at around 12:30 in the morning and drive to Manthali so that they can catch an earlier flight.

The hike normally lasts around 9 days, but the itineraries are lengthier. The extra days added to the itineraries are for acclimatization and include side visits to other locations like Hotel Everest View and Nangkartshang Hill for more exploration of the region. 

The first few days of the walk are pretty simple as you get used to the altitude. The last few days of the trek are the most challenging, as you make your way up to Everest Base Camp. 

The trail is technical and the altitude is higher, so it's important to be in good physical condition. However, the reward is worth it. You are standing at Everest Base Camp knowing you've made it this far.

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View From Kala Patthar

Here's a summary of the Classic Everest Base Camp Trekking Route:

DAY 1: Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding

DAY 2: Trek to Namche Bazar

DAY 3: Acclimatization Day in Namche Bazar

DAY 4: Trek from Namche Bazar to Tengboche

DAY 5: Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche

DAY 6: Acclimatization Day at Dingboche

DAY 7: Hike from Dingboche to Lobuche

DAY 8: Lobuche to Gorak Shep to Everest Bamp and back to Gorak Shep

DAY 9: Gorak Shep to Kala Patthar and back to Pheriche

DAY 10: Descend back to Namche Bazar from Pheriche

DAY 11: Descend back to Lukla

DAY 12: Fly back to Kathmandu

This is the basic outline that every Trekking agency and organization offers to you. However, we have the best and most iconic route that will take you to the locals of the Himalayas i.e. Villages of Khumjung.

Check here about Different trekking routes in the Everest Region

Alternate Classic EBC route through Khumbu and Khumjung Villages

The Local EBC route offers something new that enhances your trip. This walk changes while descending from the base camp and diversion from Pheriche. It gives you more opportunities to engage with locals and explore the remote and traditional life in the Himalayas.


What is the Local EBC trek route like?

The new route begins from Kathmandu and leads up to Lukla. From Lukla, it follows the direct route to base camp as other hikers do.

Once you reach the destination of this trek i.e. the base camp, rest in Gorak Shep and your guide leads you to the track. This walk will take you to the Khumjung Village avoiding the same way back up to Namche and finally to Lukla.

Here is the detailed itinerary of this less-explored Everest Base Camp hiking trail.

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DAY 1: Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding

In the morning, you will fly to Lukla on the first flight from Kathmandu or Manthali depending upon the flight reroutes. Once you land in Lukla (2,860m / 9,383ft), with the help of your guide and the Sherpa potters who carry the extra loads trek to Phakding (2,610m / 8,562ft)

Lukla is a town that has vendors from almost all parts of Nepal. This is due to its market rates. However, once you enter Chaurikharka, the scenario changes. You will start seeing the Sherpa faces, which gives you a hint that you are in a different part of the world. You can also stop by the villages, have talks with the Sherpas, know their living, and enjoy the trekking alongside.

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Sherpa Community

Your hike for this day will be for 4 hours along the side of the Dudh Khoshi River. En route, you will see the stone walls, several Sherpa villages (Chaurikharka, Chheplung, Nachipang, Ghat), prayer wheels, and painted mani walls. 

You will stay in Phakding for the day. Phakding is at a lower elevation than Lukla and overnight at Phakding won’t cause any altitude sickness.

Note: During the high trek season (March, April, May, September, October, and November) to avoid air traffic, the flights (15 minutes) to Lukla are operated from Manthali, which is a 5-hour drive from Kathmandu. 

DAY 2: Hike to Namche Bazar

On this day, you will have a strenuous hike on this adventurous trip. You have to walk through an elevation from Phakding to Namche Bazar ( 3,440m / 11,286ft) for about 6-7 hours.

Way to Namche Bazaar

Namche is the entry gate to the Everest. On the way to Namche, you will pass through villages (Jamfute, Bengkar, Monjo, Jorsalle, Larcha Dobhan), the Hillary suspension bridge and lush rhododendron forests. Just after crossing the bridge and walking up a few steps, you will have the first view of Everest. Additionally, you will enter Sagarmatha National Park on the way to Namche. The park is the home to numerous flora and fauna and also, endangered species (snow leopard and red panda). But be cautious about these animals as they are human-shy. Even if you spot them from far away, enjoy the view and do not scare them.

As usual, you can explore the local lives in this part as well. In addition, you will be able to see the farming of the mountain crops (potato, barley, buckwheat), especially on the way to Namche in Bengkar.
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DAY 3: Acclimatize in Namche

Due to the changes in altitude, Namche is the perfect point to adapt to the environment. You can use this day to explore the Bazar. You can hike to Syangboche airstrip (the world’s highest airstrip) the Everest View Hotel, and Yak Farms. The view from the Hotel is a visual feast as you will have a great view of Mount Everest and its other side peaks. 

Namche Bazaar

Namche is the stop point almost for every trekker, where you will find tourists from different places around the globe. Namche is the last point where you can draw money or buy your essential needs. So, try to get enough cash for yourself here. And always keep it safe. Also a lot of Wi-Fi-linked cafes and restaurants. 

If your acclimatization falls on Saturday, then you will have a lot to explore in the Namache. Because on every Saturday the market opens, where you will see vendors from the entire region with their local Nepalese products.

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DAY 4: Hike to Tengboche

View From Tengboche

Starting early, you will hike through the rocky terrain from Namche to Tengboche (3,860m /  12,665ft). This walk will be around 6 hours. Starting from Namche will first take you to Tenzing Nowgay Memorial Stupa, and walking up the distance you will see the first view of the mountains (Ama Dablam, Lhotse, Taboche, Kangtega, and Thamserku). En route, there is a small army checking point and a suspension bridge.

You will pass the small Sherpa settlement village i.e. Kenjoma and Phunki Thenga that leads up to Tengboche. You can also visit the monastery of Tengboche (a sacred monastery that was established 350 years ago connecting its mother monastery in Tibet).

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DAY 5: Hike to Dingboche


Today’s hike will be difficult due to the increase in altitude. You will cross the alpine forest and walk to Dingboche (4,410m / 14, 469ft). This hike will be for 6 hours. Due to increase in the altitude you will rest here for 2 days and explore the Dingboche. During the trek, you will cross several Sherpa villages (Deuche, Milingo, Cholunche, Somare) and 3 suspension bridges. Additionally, you will see the number of chortens, prayer wheels, and stone walls that protect the crops of the villages. 

DAY 6: Acclimitaze in Dingboche

On the second day in Dingboche, you can simply relax and explore. You can walk to Nagarjuna Hill, Chhukung, or Nangkartshang Hermitage, Yak Farms of the villages. This acclimatization day is for your health, cause the increase in altitude can cause altitude sickness. You can also engage with locals to experience their daily life in the Himalayas.

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DAY 7: Trek to Lobuche

Way to Everest Base Camp

Today’s trek will take you to Lobuche (4,940m / 16, 207ft). The hike will be for 6 hours and inspire you throughout the route. During this walk, there is a cross point of the ‘Three Pass Trail, and continuing walking takes you higher at Thulka Hills. En route, you will pass along the memorial of Scott Fischer and more Everest Climbers. These memorials are made by successful peak climbers in memory of the other trekkers who lost their lives during the summit.

Additionally, the route covers the Lobuche and the Khumbu Glacier and stunning views of the  Lobuche, Nuptse, Lobuche, and Pumori.

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DAY 8: Trek to Everest Base Camp and descend back to Gorak Shep

Today’s trek for around 7 hours will take you to the destination EBC 5,364m / 17,598ft for what you had organized this trip. From Lobuche, the Everest Base Camp trek trail starts and will take you to Camp. You will also see the lake camp and glacier lake ‘Gorakshe Tsho’. Just after crossing the lake, some of the small tea houses and lodges give paid internet facilities.

Everest Base Camp

Additionally, you will explore the unreal landscape, and the multicolored Buddhist flag and stone memorial of various trekkers and climbers. From this point, you will see the climbers climbing Everest, people from different places around the globe, and magnificent views of the Everest ranges.

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DAY 9: Gorak Shep to Kala Patthar and descend to Pheriche

This day is another and last day for climbing to a higher altitude. From Gorak Shep to Kala Patthar (5,644m / 18,517ft) a bit higher altitude from EBC. The air is thin in this area. From Kala Patthar, you will see the great sunrise and mythical landscape of the entire Everest ranges which include Nuptse, Lhotse, and Changtse. Also, during the walk you will cross through the Tholka Pass and several suspension bridges.

Way to Kala Patthar

As our words now from here we are going to take you to the classic route. Descend back to Pheriche overnight.

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DAY 10: Descend back to Khumjng from Pheriche

Today you will hike for a long time. The path will take down to the Khumjung Valley. Descending through the path to Khumjung, you will have a continuing view of Everest and other Himalayas. Throughout the hike, you will pass through several Sherpa villages, monasteries (Pangboche, Kani, Thakri, Sange Dorje), suspension bridges, chortens, and stone walls.

Khumjung Village (3,780m / 12,402ft) is an interesting and captivating village that offers you a lot to explore. Here you will engage will locals and see their way of life. You can visit a monastery (purported Yeti Scalp), Khumjung High School (founded by Sir Edmund Hilary), and  Mani Wall.

Happy Tourist

DAY 11: Trek back to Lukla

The hike for this day will be moderate and you will reach down to Lukla. Here will you relax and enjoy your trek’s achievement.

DAY 12: Fly back to Kathmandu

This day get the first flight over the mountains and back to Kathmandu.

Why choose this alternative route?

Visiting and interacting with locals during the trip is necessary because it gives you an entire idea about the area, culture, life, and tradition. This visit will allow you to immerse yourself in Sherpa culture and know their way of life. Exploring the village and receiving the warm hospitality from the locals will add sweetness to your trip.

Khumjung is a small village situated in the Khumbu sub-region of Sagarmatha National Park. It is the largest Sherpa settlement in Khumbu. Khumjung is at an elevation of 3,790m / 12,434ft above sea level. 

Trekkers in the Everest Region

Moreover, the Khumjung monastery in the village is the home of a 300-year-old Yeti scalp. A school built by Sir Edmund Hilary, beautiful scenery, and Sherpa Museum.

The Sherpa Museum was established by Sir Edmund Hillary, to preserve the ancient Sherpa artifacts, clothing, tools, and historical objects. It also reflects the Sherp’s close and harmonious relationship with the mountains.

The settlement provides the ideal backdrop of the Himalayas, including Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Kongde, and Everest, to savor your fleeting moments of trekking nostalgia.


This is the best and classic Everest Base Camp trekking route which not offered by many trekking organizations in Nepal. However, we do. If you want to explore the Everest Base Camp which will take you among the locals of this region and let you explore life in the Himalayas.

Himalayan Scenery

Himalayan Scenery