Best Things To Do In Mustang, Nepal

  • Last Updated on Sep 20, 2024

Visit Mustang in Nepal, and time-travel

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Mustang lies in north-western Nepal. It is often called the "Last Forbidden Kingdom." The region offers a perfect glimpse into ancient Tibetan traditions. Although foreign tourists have been permitted in Mustang since 1992 AD. The region still experiences limited visitor numbers.

The monasteries and caves are perched on cliffs. They overlook rugged landscapes. The local people live in harmony with nature. Mustang’s isolation has preserved its unique culture. This makes it a truly special destination.

Mustang combines natural beauty, history, and adventure. You can explore vast, barren deserts and trek through deep valleys. 

The walled city of Lo Manthang is full of history. Chungsi Cave is a hidden site where Guru Rinpoche meditated. The centuries-old Thubchen Monastery and more tells stories of a bygone era. Thus, Mustang is a top destination for adventure and culture lovers.

For luxury travellers, Mustang is a top choice, too. You can explore its desert-like terrain and visit centuries-old monasteries. Enjoy stays in high-end hotels and take private tours. Mustang combines adventure with elegance for the best experience.

This blog covers the best things to do in Mustang. The list inspires you to embark on the Mustang trip in the coming days like a pro.

Activities in Mustang

Explore Lo Manthang: The Walled City

Entering Lo Manthang is like stepping into a living museum. Inside, you will find a treasure trove of cultural heritage. The Royal Palace and historic monasteries stand as a central landmark.

Discover the Ancient Kingdom of Lo

Lo Manthang was the capital of the Kingdom of Lo. It was built in the 15th century. The city enclosed by robust walls, was once a thriving center of power and culture. Additionally, it was once a major trade centre between Nepal and Tibet.  

Lo Manthang is surrounded by a 6-meter-high earthen wall. The wall has square towers, called dzongs, at each corner. Inside the walls, there is a compact area with traditional earthen buildings.

Lo Manthang

The city’s historical significance is profound. As it was once the centre of the Mustang Kingdom. The city is famous for its well-preserved monasteries like the Thubchen Monastery and the Jampa Monastery. 

These ancient structures reflect the spiritual and architectural traditions of the region. 

The Tibetan-style houses in Lo Manthang are very unique. They have thick earthen walls that keep warmth in and cold out. The roofs are flat and made of packed earth. It provides extra storage space. The houses feature intricate wooden carvings and colourful murals. 

Alongside, the roofs that you are going to see are filled with wooden logs and some dry bushes to start a fire. This signifies the richness in the living hood of the people of Mustang as well.

This style reflects traditional Tibetan architecture and the ancient lifestyle of Lo Manthang.

Visit the Royal Palace and Monasteries

King Amad Pal built a fortress wall around the settlement of Lo. In 1440 AD, he also constructed the Lo Manthang Palace. 

This palace is five storeys high. It is made of stone, wood, and mud. The palace has nine corners. The main entrance is on the east side. The walls are covered with white lime. 

Royal Palace of Lo Manthang

Inside the palace, there are wall paintings and inscriptions in Ranjana Script. The palace holds important texts like the Kanjur, Tenjur, Astha Sahasrika Prajnaparamita, and Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita.

The palace is surrounded by a fortress wall. This wall protects the city. However, recently the entrance to the Royal Palace has been restricted.

Near the palace, there are three red monasteries. There are also twelve chortens and a mani wall. The fortress wall has 60 spouts and 25 doors.

The city has four major monasteries. Jampa Gompa is the oldest, built in the early 15th century. It is referred to as the "God House." Thubchen Gompa was built in the late 15th century. It is a large red assembly hall. It is located southwest of Jampa Gompa.  Chhoede Gompa is now the main city of Gompa. The Choprang Gompa, known as the "New Gompa," adds to the city's spiritual sites.

Monasteries in Tibetan Buddhism are vital. As they serve as the centres for spiritual practice, learning, and community life. 

They preserve and teach Buddhist teachings, and support meditation and rituals. Additionally, acts as a place for monks and local people to maintain their culture and religious tradition.

You can watch monks perform their daily rituals. Their rhythmic chants and prayers create a calming atmosphere. 

You can also see ancient murals in the monasteries. These murals are full of bright colours and tell Buddhist stories. This experience shows the rich culture of the region.

Journey to the Mysterious Sky Caves

Sky Caves in Upper Mustang

Sky caves in Upper Mustang are a network of ancient caves. It is carved into steep high cliffs. These caves were built centuries ago. Exploring this part is always one of the best things to do in Mustang.

Sky Caves in Chhoser, Dhakmar, Chhusang, and Tetang are a major attraction. Among them, Chhoser holds the center attraction for its "Shija Jhong Sky Cave." It is five storeys and has so many inter-connected rooms. 

Legends believe that this cave system was home to the people of Upper Mustang. They resided in these caves for generations living traditional Tibetan life. 

The reason for building the sky caves in Lo Manthang is still unknown. One idea is that the caves were used to store food. The region’s Tibetan plateau doesn’t produce many crops. So, after harvest, locals would store their food in these caves.

Another idea is that the caves were used to hide from enemies. The villages are hidden high up, and the caves have small entrances. This made it hard for enemies to find them.

Despite these theories, no one knows for sure why the caves were built. However, the sky caves are still fascinating. 

Sky Caves of Upper Mustang

In the mid-1990s, archaeologists from Nepal and the University of Cologne explored the stacked caves in Lo Manthang. They found several dozen partially mummified human bodies. These bodies are at least 2,000 years old.

In 2010, another team discovered 27 human skeletons in two large caves near Samdzong. These skeletons date from the 3rd to the 8th centuries. They had cut marks on the bones.

Scientists think the cut marks may be linked to the Bon Buddhist practice of sky burial. In this ritual, bodies are cut into pieces and left for vultures. 

This practice might explain the burial method used in the caves. 

Visit the Sacred Muktinath Temple

Muktinath Temple is important for both Hindus and Buddhists. For Hindus, it is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Buddhists, especially those who follow Vajrayana Buddhism. 

They see it as one of their 24 sacred places. Legends say that Guru Rinpoche meditated here and reached enlightenment. The temple is located in a unique setting. It is surrounded by snow-capped peaks and natural springs. This beautiful location adds to the temple’s significance.

Muktinath Temple

Inside the Muktinath Temple complex, the Jwala Mai Temple has an eternal flame. This flame represents the union of earth, air, and water. It is believed to have been burning for centuries.

Visitors to Muktinath can also experience the 108 sacred water spouts. Bathing in these waters is thought to purify the soul and bring spiritual benefits. 

To reach Muktinath, you have several choices. You can also embark on an Annapurna Circuit Trek. This trek offers beautiful views and a sense of adventure. 

Alternatively, you can travel by jeep, quicker and more comfortable. For a traditional experience, you can ride a horse.

The way to Muktinath offers Himalayas views of the Annapurna Range and Dhaulagiri. The way offers lush green scenery. 

You will meet local Tibetan Buddhists. You can learn about their culture and traditions.

Muktinath is located at a high altitude of about 3,710 meters (12,172 feet). It is important to acclimatize to this elevation. 

Proper acclimatization helps prevent altitude sickness and ensures a safer visit.

Experience the Luxury of Shinta Mani Mustang

Experience the refined comfort at Shinta Mani Mustang. This luxury retreat offers sophisticated relaxation. It provides a perfect setting to unwind. 

A Luxurious Stay Amidst the Himalayas

Luxurious Stay at Shinta Mani Mustang
Photo By: Shinta Mani Mustang

Shinta Mani Mustang is nestled in the heart of Mustang. It offers a luxurious stay amidst the stunning Himalayas. 

This world-class hotel provides exceptional comfort with breathtaking views. Guests can enjoy top-tier amenities. The lodge’s prime location is perfect for exploring Mustang. 

It’s an ideal base for discovering the best things to do in the area.

The architecture of Shinta Mani Mustang blends traditional Tibetan design with modern luxury. Each space reflects the rich cultural heritage of Mustang. Shinta Mani offers world-class comfort and privacy. 

This resort and wellness centre is part of the exclusive Bensley Collection. The connection ensures that guests experience the highest standard of luxury.

The hotel also offers high-end wellness services. These services include spa treatments designed to rejuvenate both body and mind.

Indulge in Local Cuisine and Wellness

Local Cuisine at Shinta Mani Mustang
Photo By: Shinta Mani Mustang

At Shinta Mani Mustang, dining is a special experience. You can savour traditional Mustang dishes like thukpa (noodle soup). Alongside, the international cuisine is crafted by skilled chefs. 

The menu features fresh, locally sourced ingredients. It ensures each meal is a culinary delight. Each bite reflects the rich taste of the region of local special or international dishes.

After exploring, relax with personalized spa treatments. Enjoy Tibetan massages that are designed to relieve tension. Join yoga sessions set against the Himalayan backdrop. 

Additionally, the specialists of wellness at Shinta Mani enrol the travellers in old Tibetan practices of Traditional Herbal Medicine. The Amchi (Tibetan Doctor) is an expert here to perform this wellness process. 

The guests in Shinta Mani Mustang must stay there for 5-nights.

Engage with local artisans in cultural workshops. Learn traditional crafts and connect with Mustang’s heritage. 

Contact us to enroll in Shinta Mani Mustang’s Wellness program.

Trek Through the Stunning Mustang Landscape

Trekking is one of the best things to do in Mustang. Start your Mustang adventure by immersing yourself in breathtaking landscapes. Explore the uncommon beauty of Upper Mustang. 

Landscapes of Upper Mustang

Enjoy the Diverse Scenery of Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang offers a unique contrast to the lush valleys of Nepal. The landscape here is desert-like, with dry, barren hills and rocky cliffs. 

This region feels otherworldly, unlike the green terrain found in parts of Nepal. 

The panoramic views in Upper Mustang are breathtaking. You’ll see towering Himalayan peaks like Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna.

In Upper Mustang, trekking through ancient villages is the best thing to do. These villages offer a rare glimpse into a world unchanged by time. 

The stone houses and monasteries are centuries old. The atmosphere feels frozen in history. 

Choose the Perfect Trekking Route

Mustang is home to some of Nepal’s most captivating trekking routes. The Lo Manthang Circuit is a top choice. This trekking takes around 10 days to complete. With hundreds of trekkers wanting to explore Mustang, choose the route of walking.

Trekking Routes in Upper Mustang

This trek immerses you in the rich Tibetan-influenced culture of the region. The major sites you visit here are:

  • Kagbeni
  • Chhusang
  • Ghami
  • Dhakmar
  • Ghar Gompa
  • Yara
  • Ghara (Luri Gumba)
  • Lo Manthang
  • Chhoser
  • Kora La Border

However, if you are looking for a somewhat affordable option, the Jomsom-Muktinath Trek is also a popular choice. This trek can be completed within 4-5 days. This depends on the locations you put in for.

The major sites for Jomsom Muktinath Trekking are:

  • Jomsom
  • Marpha
  • Kalopani
  • Muktinath
  • Jharkot 
  • Lubra (Bon Buddhist Village) 
  • Jhong

It combines spiritual significance with stunning mountain views.  This makes it a favourite among trekkers of all levels.

When hiking in Mustang, it’s important to consider your experience and fitness level. The Lo Manthang Circuit is more challenging, with high altitudes and rugged terrain. 

Jomsom-Muktinath trek is less strenuous and more accessible and easy to hike.  

The best time to trek in Mustang is during spring and autumn. These seasons offer clear skies and pleasant temperatures. Also, the best visibility for enjoying the spectacular views can be found in Mustang.

Immerse Yourself in Mustang's Festivals and Culture

Mustang’s culture and traditions offer a glimpse into its ancient heritage. Festivals and local interactions provide a unique way to experience its timeless spirit.

Witness the Tiji Festival

Tiji Festival

Mustang offers a chance to experience unique cultural events. One of the best things to do in Mustang is to see the Tiji Festival. 

This three-day festival takes place in Lo Manthang. It is based on the Tibetan lunar calendar. Mainly it is celebrated annually in the first week of May. Thus, always check with Himalayan Scenery Treks to finalize the dates of your departure.

Tiji is celebrated on the victory of good over evil. It symbolizes hope and renewal for the local people.

The Tiji Festival in Mustang features vibrant dances and lively music. Dancers wear colourful masks and traditional costumes. 

These costumes represent gods and mythical figures. The dances are energetic and dramatic. Musicians play traditional Tibetan instruments like drums and horns.

Travellers should visit Mustang during the Tiji Festival. This way, they can see all the festival activities.

Engage with Local Communities

As you explore Mustang, you can connect with local communities. Meet residents and learn about their unique customs. The best way is to participate in those activities.

Witness traditional festivals and daily rituals. Understanding their way of life deepens your cultural experience. Always approach these interactions with respect.

By supporting local traditions, you help preserve Mustang’s heritage. Practicing responsible tourism also benefits the community.


Things to do in Mustang blends culture, adventure, and luxury seamlessly. Explore ancient monasteries and trek through dramatic high-altitude trails. Discover traditional villages and enjoy luxurious stays at places like Shinta Mani Mustang. 

To fully experience Mustang's charm, consider Himalayan Scenery Treks. We provide expertly guided tours, ensuring a memorable adventure through this captivating region.

Naresh D

Naresh D

Naresh, the Operations Manager of Himalayan Scenery Treks and Expedition brings expertise to his role, blending his roles as a seasoned trekker and travel writer. His adeptness in SEO ensures that the adventures offered by Himalayan Scenery Treks and Expedition are not just captivating but also easily discoverable by a global audience seeking Himalayan experiences. Beyond his professional pursuits, Naresh's passion for education is evident through his volunteer teaching engagements in various government schools across Nepal, fostering a deep understanding of the country's diverse landscapes and cultures.